I decided it would make cute and comfy pajama pants. So I found a tutorial on Pinterest and got to work!
About 2 yards of fabric
Sewing machine
First, use an existing pair of pajama pants as a pattern. Fold the fabric over and place the pajamas along the folded edge.
I placed mine a little further from the edge so that the legs would be wider.
Next trace about an inch away from the pajamas; this will give you a seam allowance.
I used a pen, so the lines are a bit hard to see.
Next, cut the line, going through both layers. It'll give you a weird looking piece like this:
Repeat on the other side of the fabric.
I just put the cut out pattern on the opposite side and traced it that way.
So you'll have to identical pieces:
Place them together, right side to right side, and stitch only along the curve.
So it's only sewn together by both curves.
Now, open it up and place both of the SEAMS of the curves together.
Next, sew up the curve of both legs. I started at the middle and went down each leg separately, but you could do it from one leg up then down to the other leg.
Flip it right side out, and sew up each leg's hem. I folded it under twice, then did a double hem.
Make sure you try it on before stitching your hem. You may need to take more or less depending on your height.
Next, pin the top hem down about an inch (or however much you need to make a pocket for your elastic).
Sew all around the top, leaving only an inch open.
Use a safety pin to get the elastic through the sewed up pocket. Sew the ends of the elastic together.
Stitch up the last inch on the waist hem and you're done!
They are oh so comfy!